If you are searching for a very long and wide danish beach in the region Syddanmark, we recommend you to visit the city Aabenraa and it's beach Strand Åbenrå. This location is very easy to reach with any kind of vehicle, also a motorhome, and you have plenty of parking places available directly on the beach. It takes only a few steps from the parking place to the beach. The beach has a total length of 500 m and is 100 m wide. The water entry is very nice and because of the very flat seabed the point of swim is at around 100 m. This fact this beach has a flat seabed and because of many children playgrounds on the beach, it makes this beach ideal for small children. You have a lot of beach infrastructure and many services available here. Many sports fields are also on the beach. A restaurant and a coffee bar is also on the beach and you have plenty accommodation options in the surrounding area.